Monday, September 29, 2008


I found this article about "netiquette" very interesting. I have never even heard of this term but after reading this article, I believe it will soon be added to the dictionary right under internet. This term describes how you should behave and act online. Everyone should strive for a good netiquette. Kids need to be aware that you should not give out any personal information over the internet. Also when writing a formal email they should avoid "IM lingo" and caps lock. They should no that no email is ever really private and anything you post on the internet is there for everyone to see. I found it interesting that some schools are starting to implement classes about this netiquette. Hopefully the state or the national government will have some standards related to this class and make it required for every student. The internet is such a huge part of our lives that we need to know how to behave on it.

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