Monday, August 25, 2008

Did You Know?

The "Did You Know" video was extremely interesting. The world is advancing so fast with technology and we as future teachers have to be prepared. A four year old can use a computer better then most adults and more people use Myspace that could make up the 8th largest country!! YOUTUBE viewers have increased by ten folds in just a year! And China and India are surpassing us on technology. We need to realize that the world is becoming flat and the playing field is now equal in all countries. All children in India are bilingual and most US students take a semester of foreign languages because that is the minimum requirement.
As future teachers we need to help students utilize the technology handed to them and not be afraid of it. Our students are going to know more about it then us and we should learn from them and use it for our advantage. Who knows, maybe our class and instant message or web chat with a class from India and China and we can learn about different culture through and education and fun session. Technology can we fascinating and I am excited about using it in my classroom as much as possible!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its important to remember that its ok to learn from our students!