Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Edutopia Videos

Video One-

In what ways has the ‘multimedia’ aspect of this school touched each child?

The ‘multimedia’ aspect of this school touched each child because every child participated in the morning video. This school had kindergarteners doing the weather report, the first through third did book reviews, fourth through six did independent projects and behind the scenes production. Every child was touched by this news report. I think that this school is doing an amazing thing by having children learn about technology starting at a very young age. Technology will greatly impact their lives and it is never too soon to start learning about it.

Why is it important that the children work with real-world data?

It is important that the children work with real-world data because it provides them a glimpse of the real world. They need to be able to relate what they learn to the real world to make it more meaningful for them. The class in the video that went to the river to test the water was working with real-world data. They got to experience what marine biologist do. This can help them figure out their interest. Also they were helping the community by sharing their findings with the government health group. The children feel like their class work is useful to the world rather then pointless worksheets.

Video 2-

Why is it important that the students work with REAL data?

It is important that the students work with real data because it makes the learning experience more meaningful for them. They can relate it to what they have seen outside of school. They will retain the information and lessons that they learn a lot longer than just for the test. They will also want to ask more questions and will learn even more then anticipated. Working with real world data will prepare them for life after school.

Katy is in YOUR classroom. In what ways can you ensure that she maintains her creativity and uniqueness, but still retain the information? How can you be sure that she IS learning, without being obsessed with the IEP?

Katy needs her creativity and uniqueness as an outlet. As a teacher I can make sure Katy is allowed to use to creativity to succeed at school. I can assign her different projects then the class's that let her use her outlet. I can make sure she is learning through different assessments. Katy may not perform well on test because of her unique learning style. As a teacher I will assess the goals set in the IEP to assure that she is learning. The way I assess them could cater to her creativity and uniqueness. I can be assure she is still learning and also getting the individual attention to her uniqueness that she needs to succeed.